BBHP, Inc. was formed in August, 1999 by two gearheads, Josh Korsower & Seth Betaharon. After completing their first 6 speed B-body conversion in 1996 on Josh's 1991 police package Caprice, the two were flooded with requests for information & pictures. As a result, Josh built his personal website,, to answer people's questions and to provide ongoing updates & pictures of new modifications. The website quickly grew in popularity - now many people were asking how they could get a 6 speed into their B-body. Josh & Seth decided to give the idea of producing a conversion kit a try.
In September 1998, they took receipt of Norm Anderson's 1996 Impala and went to work. Unfortunately, outside work commitments and delays in receiving crucial parts ate directly into their small six week window of opportunity. They were able to finish the car, but did not have sufficient time to transform the conversion parts into a reproducable "kit." Much to the disappointment of the 30+ people who got on the kit waiting list, and Josh & Seth, it seemed like there would be no kit after all.
Then, in May, 1999, Bruce offered his 1995 LT4-powered Impala as BBHP 6 speed #3. With an understanding that Seth & Josh could not provide a firm time commitment on completion of the conversion, Bruce's patience, devotion, and dream of owning a supercar were heaven-sent. Building upon the vast knowledge gained in their two previous conversions, Seth & Josh, with the help of an experienced race car fabricator, re-designed the clutch pedal assembly (the heart of the conversion) and came up with what they refer to as their "Generation IV" design. After working closely with the fabricator, shipping prototype pedal assmeblies back and forth, and countless fittings in Bruce's car, their patience paid off, and the result is stunning - a true, bolt-in 6 speed conversion kit that removes the guesswork, allowing anyone with average mechanical skills to complete the conversion in their garage, with no specialized tools. Taking a no nonsense approach, the complete cost of the conversion, if done by the car owner, costs a whopping 70% less than any other offering currently available. Even after paying BBHP to do the conversion, Impala & Caprice owners can realize in excess of a 50% cost savings, while not compromising quality or durability of parts. How can BBHP put out a top quality product at such a competetive price? See BBHP's philosophy section below to gain an understanding of their refreshingly honest approach.
BBHP's Philosophy
Hi, we're two gearheads who formed BBHP, Inc. with a simple philosophy:
- to offer unique products for B-body cars at affordable prices
- to obtain 100% customer satisfaction, both before and after the sale
With an advertising budget of zero, we rely on word of mouth. Not only does this keep the costs of our products down, but it forces us to make sure our customers are satisfied - our success depends on it, and we wouldn't have it any other way.
Having been subjected to incomplete instructions, misfitting parts, missing components, and over-inflated promises by other manufacturers, we made a commitment to only offer products that meet our extremely high standards, from start to finish. That means your order is complete, it arrives when promised, and the instructions are clear, concise, and complete. If for whatever reason you are not satisfied, we offer a very fair warranty and return policy.
Josh Korsower '91 & '95 Caprice 9C1
Seth Betaharon '89 & '95 Caprice 9C1
| · | T56 Group Purchase Coming Soon - get in now!
| | | · | The BBHP Bulliten Board is up and running. Get kit info and tech support! Go Now
| | | · | Sell your own parts in the garage sale!
| | | · | We've added some pictures of the kit parts. Check it out.
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